Amherst September 29th 1831
Dear Sir,
You are aware of my project of annexing to my geological report a list of species in the different departments of our national history. Can you not assist me in making out such catalogues? I believe you are acquainted with many plants growing in the south east part of the state which are not described in Bigelow's Florula nor credited to this state in any other work. Can you not provide me with a list of these & permit me to insert them on your authority? Can you assist me in any department of zoology? Our Gestatia & Radiata animals are the only ones which I cannot find some gentleman willing to undertake with—Have you given attention to these? Or do you know of any one who has? No one has positively engaged to give the Mammalia though Dr Harris of Milton gives some encouragement—Perhaps you have attended to these.
I regard the object above mentioned to be one of considerable importance and if I recollect right such is your opinion- Any assistance you may be able to render me within a few months or even a year will be thankfully received- I hope to get a part of my Report ready for next winter but not that part containing the catalogues
Respectfully yours
Edward Hitchcock
[Accept my thanks for your interesting Address before the N. Bedford lyceum.]
Edward Hitchcock often consulted with other men of science as he prepared the geological survey of Massachussets in the early 1830s. In this letter, he requests of botanist Thomas Greene a list of plants that Hitchcock hopes to add as an "annex," or appendix.