and spirit level.  The variation of the needle (5˚-30'ss) was allowed for in all azimuths of the comet; but the diameter of the bo[illegible] the Theodolite containing the needle being small, it is not probable the azimuths of the comet are very accurate.  The time of the observation as shown by a chronometer was corrected by single and equal altitudes of the sun & stars, and the times of taking the instances of the comet are reduced to mean, by applying the equation of time; but in all other observations the time is apparent.

            September 7th 1811.  About 8 hours P.M. a comet was seen in the north-westerly part of the heavens, near the square of Ursa Major.  The tail appeared to be about 5˚or 6˚ in length.  The head* rather indistinct.  The coma faint and extensive.


* What is here meant by the head is the very bright light immediately surrounding the nucleus or whole body of the comet; it is conformable to the definition given by Dr Herschell