observation as follows- h m s By clock
Beginning of Eclipse 0-43-04 P.M. uncon-
End of Do 3-47-59- -nected
Length of the Versed Sine of the unobscured part at the time of greatest observation, 10 divisions of Micrometer
div. digits div. digits
Glance 90: 12: : 10 : 1 1/3 ; and 12-1 1/3= 10 2/3=
the digits eclipsed by observation, on the south circle of the sun-------
Telescope used in observing the eclipse a 2 ½ feet achromatic refractor, magnifying power about 75, furnished with a pearl micrometer, and made by Jones of London.
The chronometer made use of was a very regular going clock with a second hand.
h m
P.M. 7-26 Comet from Arcturus, right, 39˚-41
7-39---------from Alioth, below 15-45
Sept. 18. Morning very foggy: about 10 hours A.M. the sun appeared.