unenlightened by science.
It may however be said, that although Mahometanism and Idolatry derive their chief support from ignorance, yet they are false religions, and were the christian religion to be introduced into any country however unenlightened by science, it would flourish in its purity & raise the people to a high state of civilization. But it is conceived, without intending to detract in the smallest degree from the merits of the christian faith, that in a state of ignorance, even christianity itself would be obscured by clouds and darkness; that its beauties would be hidden by superstition and error, and that in the hands of the unenlightened it would often become instead of the balmy comforter of the woes of humanity, one of the greatest scourges of human nature. To be convinced of the correctness of this, let the history only be read of that huge system of error, bigotry and persecution the Romish Church. For centuries did that system hang like a black cloud over unhappy Europe. Long did it check the progress of free enquiry and every noble effort of the mind. Long did the red flag of persecution remain unfunded, and many were the victims of religious intolerance. But the sciences rising in spite of every obstacle, at length burst the narrow bounds which then encircled the human mind: they finally triumphed over error: they crushed