New Haven Octobr 30, 1843
My dear sir,
I have reflected with much pleasure upon my short but most agreeable visit at your house and have held up your family as a model of a well ordered & happy Christian domestic circle. We shall be happy to reciprocate your hospitality whenever you & your excellent lady or any of your family can visit us.
As a new No of the Am. Jour. is now begun, I am led to think of your reclamation, & all I intended by leaving it with you was to give you an opportunity for full reconsideration with the aid of those early letters (yours & mine) to Dr Deane which I placed in your hands & which you can return to Dr D_ when you have done with them. My attention is just now again called to the subject by a letter of Dr Deane received last week containing not any allusions to things that are past but informing me that he is preparing a new commr (a short one) for the Journal containing a description, with lithographs, of the impressions lately discovered by him, those which you & I have seen at Greenfield. To this publication I suppose you can have no objection, & I will ask Dr D_ to send you a proof of it when set up, as I will take care to send him 2 duplicates & it may be more proper for him than for me to send you proofs before the article appears in January.