Belgium- Last Sabbath we spent in Bonn- having passed through Ghent Aix lachapelle, Cologne &c. where we made short stops- At Ghent & Aix we visited cathedrals & convents- where we had opportunity to witness the devotees in actual life & worship- went to vespers in one of the convents where were six hundred of the sisters of charity- all with their white veils- large towels I should call them & black dresses- we went in among them, so as to be able to look into their faces & see them count their beads-In one of the Cathedrals we saw some of their precious relics a lock of the Virgin’s hair- a girdle which she wore, a piece of the cross of Christ & of the cord which bound him- a nail of the cross- a piece of the sponge which was filled with vinegar- arm bone of Simeon, tooth of St. Thomas- having heard that such things were shown we thought best to inquire if it was a reality & to be seen they were exhibited with all sanctity & credulity. These cathedrals are most splendidly & gorgeously decorated- fresh flowers offered to the Virgin who is dressed all in the tinsel & jewels of a modern queen- here is incense perpetually burning & the confessionals look as if they were frequently visited- The splendor of some of these buildings almost exceeds description.
The Bonn is an agricultural school & a university which father looked into and here we took a steam boat up the Rhine to Bailnich near Wiesbaden where in Sandberghen resides- the Prof. as he is styled here altogether, called upon him in the evening & the box of minerals which Ed. will remember was sent him had not arrived but the next morning when we saw him it had just come-
The scenery upon the Rhine is exceedingly beautiful, but nature has done as much, yes more for the banks of the Hudson- but the beautiful villages with their elegant churches, & the highly cultivated grounds, especially vineyards fitted with great lakes, and the old castles & convents, monuments connected with so many historical associations