My dreams have boded all too right,
We part, forever part- tonight.
I knew, I knew it could not last,
'Twas bright, 'twas heavenly, but 'tis past.
Oh! ever thus from childhood's hour,
I've seen my fondest hopes decay-
I never lov'd a tree, nor flower,
But 'twas the first to fade away.
I never nurs'd a dear gazelle,
And lov'd it for its soft black eye,
But when it came to know me well,
And love me- it was sure to die.
Now too the joy most like divine,
Of all I ever dreamed or knew;
To see thee- hear thee- call thee mine-
O misery, must I lose that too?
But go- on perils brink we must-
That frightful rock, that treacherous sea-
No never come again though sweet-
Though heaven it may be death to thee.
The man who is ashamed of being poor, would be friend
if he were rich.